Readers Contest
- Category: Competition & Awards
- Hits: 9664
XXIV International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity and Pedagogical Innovations "World Art Assembly".
Festival Dates: November 23-30, 2023 (10:00-22:00)
Registration deadline: until November 16, 2023
Venue / the address where the festival will take place:
City Promenade "Dream Islands", Moscow Square (Russia, Moscow, Andropov Ave., d.1).
There are two equivalent forms of participation are provided: IN PERSON and IN ABSENTIA.
1) IN PERSON participants provide: originals of art objects;
2) IN ABSENTIA participants: video files with performance are provided for the contest. The jury views video clips and puts ratings on a par with in person participants.
in Readers Contest
Participants in the reading contest recite works in Russian.
1) Poetry (performance of works by famous authors)
2) Prose (performance of works by famous authors)
3) Theatrical reprise
4) Performing own works (poetry and prose)
Age categories:
- Category “Kids”: up to 7 years
- Category “Young”: from 8 to 10 years
- Category “Middle”: from 11 to 13 years old
- Category “Older”: from 14 to 16 years old
- Category “Junior”: from 17 to 21 years
- Category “Teacher”: not limited
Performances are evaluated by the following parameters:
1) Artistry
2) Understanding of the text
Technical requirements:
The contestant is given time for performance up to 3 minutes.
In case of a theatrical monologue, it is possible to use props and assistants.
Collective participation is allowed in the “theater reprise” nomination and each of the performers must voice the text with a total duration of at least 30 seconds.
2) video files of competitive works (in electronic form, for in absentia participants)
go to:"Payment methods"
а) photo of the author (co-authors)
b) photo of the artistic director
Send the documents to our e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
According to the results of the jury's work, lists of winners are formed for each age and professional category and in each nomination. The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas of the Organizing Committee and the Artistic Council of the competition, recommendations for artistic directors, participation in a number of foreign exhibitions. All participants receive a certificate of participation (Diploma).